
one by one معنى

one by one أمثلة على
  • واحد واحد, واحد بعد الآخر
  • one    adj. وحيدة, وحيد, ...
  • by    adv. من طريق, في س ...
  • one    adj. وحيدة, وحيد, ...


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. Come out one by one with your hands in the air.
    اخرجوا! ، واحداً تلو الآخر وأيديكم مرفوعة
  2. Else, I'll blow up the bogeys one by one
    ما عدا ذلك، أنا سأفجّر العربات واحدا بعد الآخر
  3. Intelligence is gonna take them one by one and interrogate them.
    الاستخبارات سوف تاخذهم الواحد تلو الاخر للاستجواب
  4. Well, that would happen One by one For all of the generators
    يمكنه أن يسدّ أنابيب ماء التبريد،
  5. For one by one you make enemies of us all.
    من واحد إلى آخر ستجعلنا منا أعداء جميعاً

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. one piece at a time; "she sold the plates by the piece"
    مرادفات by the piece, by the piece
  2. apart from others; "taken individually, the rooms were, in fact, square"; "the fine points are treated singly"
    مرادفات individually, separately, singly, severally, on an individual basis, individually, separately, singly, severally, on an individual basis
  3. in single file; "the prisoners came out one by one"
    مرادفات one after another, one at a time, one after another, one at a time
  4. one piece at a time; "she sold the plates by the piece"
    مرادفات by the piece, by the piece
  5. apart from others; "taken individually, the rooms were, in fact, square"; "the fine points are treated singly"
    مرادفات individually, separately, singly, severally, on an individual basis, individually, separately, singly, severally, on an individual basis
  6. in single file; "the prisoners came out one by one"
    مرادفات one after another, one at a time, one after another, one at a time

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. one astor plaza معنى
  2. one at a time معنى
  3. one beer please معنى
  4. one billion rising معنى
  5. one business class ticket, please معنى
  6. one carbon transferases معنى
  7. one card shy of a full deck معنى
  8. one country programme معنى
  9. one country, two systems معنى
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